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November 27, 2023

Facing a DCAA Audit? How to Prepare Your Audit Response

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When facing a DCAA audit, cooperate fully to ensure compliance with government contracts, appoint a point of contact, review contracts, prepare documentation, and maintain open communication with the auditor for a successful audit process.

Facing a DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency) audit can be a challenging and time-consuming process, but it's essential to cooperate fully to ensure compliance with government contracts and regulations. Here's how to prepare your audit response.

Learn about DCAA Compliance and Audit Requirements

A step-by-step guide on what to do when you're being DCAA audited

1. Understand the Purpose of the Audit

DCAA audits are typically conducted to ensure that your company's accounting practices and financial records comply with government contract requirements. Understand the specific focus of the audit (e.g., incurred cost, pre-award, post-award) and its scope.

2. Appoint a Point of Contact (POC)

Designate a knowledgeable person within your organization as the point of contact for the audit. This individual will coordinate with the DCAA auditor, provide requested documents, and facilitate communication.

3. Review Your Contracts and Agreements

Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the government contracts under audit. Ensure that you understand the specific requirements and obligations stipulated in these contracts.

4. Prepare Documentation

Gather all relevant financial records, invoices, receipts, timecards, contracts, and other documents related to the audit. Organize them in a systematic manner to make it easier for the auditor to review.

5. Meet with the Auditor

Schedule a kick-off meeting with the DCAA auditor to discuss the audit's objectives, timelines, and expectations. During this meeting, ask any questions you may have about the audit process.

6. Cooperate Fully

Cooperate with the auditor throughout the process. Provide access to requested documents and records promptly. Be responsive to their inquiries and requests for information.

7. Maintain Open Communication

Keep lines of communication open with the auditor. If you encounter any challenges or delays in providing requested information, communicate these issues to the auditor in a timely manner.

8. Address Findings and Recommendations

If the auditor identifies any discrepancies, deficiencies, or issues, work with them to understand the nature of the findings and address them promptly. This may involve making corrections, providing additional documentation, or explaining the circumstances.

9. Document Everything

Maintain records of all interactions with the auditor, including meeting notes, emails, and correspondence. This documentation can be useful in case of disputes or disagreements.

10. Seek Professional Help if Necessary

If you find the audit process overwhelming or if the auditor raises significant issues, consider seeking assistance from an experienced accountant, financial consultant, or legal counsel with expertise in government contract compliance.

11. Maintain Compliance Going Forward

Use the audit as an opportunity to improve your internal controls and accounting practices through tools like OneLynk™ to ensure ongoing compliance with government contract requirements to minimize the likelihood of future audits or issues.

12. Review Audit Report

Once the audit is complete, review the DCAA audit report carefully. If there are findings or recommendations, address them as required.

Remember that DCAA audits are intended to ensure the proper use of taxpayer funds and compliance with contractual obligations. While they can be challenging, approaching the audit process with transparency, cooperation, and a commitment to compliance will help you navigate it successfully.

Learn more about DCAA compliance

Learn about DCAA Accounting System Audit Checklists

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