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November 20, 2023

How to Improve Indirect Rates


Self-Assessment Checklist

Answer a few questions to see if you are correctly and efficiently handling your Indirect Rates.

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Improve indirect rates to boost company profitability and competitiveness by managing and reducing overhead and other indirect costs through strategies like expense analysis, process optimization, resource allocation, contract negotiation, technology investments, and continuous monitoring.

Improving indirect rates for a company is essential for enhancing overall profitability and competitiveness. Indirect rates are the costs associated with running a business that cannot be directly attributed to a specific project or product. These DCAA indirect rates include overhead, general and administrative (G&A) expenses, fringe benefits, and other indirect costs.

Learn more about Indirect Rates - Managing Bid, Target, Actual & Forecast

Strategies to help a company improve its indirect rates

1. Cost Management and Reduction

  • Expense Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of your indirect expenses to identify areas where cost reductions are possible. Look for inefficiencies and areas where expenses can be trimmed.
  • Benchmarking: Compare your indirect rates with industry benchmarks to gauge your competitiveness. Identify areas where you may be over-spending relative to industry standards.
  • Negotiate with Suppliers: Negotiate with vendors and suppliers for better terms and pricing, especially for items that contribute to your indirect rates.

2. Efficiency Improvements

  • Process Optimization: Streamline internal processes and workflows to reduce the time and resources required for various tasks.
  • Automation: Implement automation where possible to reduce labor costs and improve efficiency in areas such as administrative tasks and data entry.

3. Resource Allocation

  • Allocate Costs Effectively: Ensure that indirect costs are allocated accurately to projects and contracts. This ensures that each project bears its fair share of indirect costs, improving cost recovery.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate resources, including personnel, equipment, and facilities, efficiently to minimize overhead.

4. Contract Management

  • Negotiate Favorable Contract Terms: When entering into contracts with customers or suppliers, negotiate terms that are favorable to your company's indirect cost recovery.

5. Technology Investments

  • Financial Systems: Invest in modern financial management and accounting systems like OneLynk™ that can provide better cost tracking and reporting capabilities.

  • Project Management Tools: Use project management software to improve project tracking and resource allocation, which can indirectly reduce overhead costs.

6. Workforce Management

  • Training: Invest in employee training and development to enhance productivity and reduce errors.
  • Flexible Staffing: Consider using flexible staffing models, such as contractors or temporary workers, to manage labor costs during peak periods.

7. Risk Management

  • Insurance: Review insurance policies and coverage to ensure you're not overpaying for coverage that is not required.

8. Compliance and Reporting

  • Compliance Monitoring: Ensure compliance and cybersecurity with government regulations and requirements related to indirect cost allocation and reporting.
  • DCAA Audit Preparedness: Be prepared for audits by maintaining accurate records and documentation of indirect costs.

9. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

  • Regular Review: Continuously monitor your indirect rates and assess their impact on your profitability. Make adjustments as needed to achieve your cost reduction goals.

10. Seek Professional Advice

Consider consulting with financial experts or management consultants like AtWork's OneLynk™ Managed Services. We specialize in cost reduction and indirect rate improvement for guidance and strategies tailored to your specific industry and business.

Improving indirect rates is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, analysis, and execution. By actively managing and reducing indirect costs, a company can improve its financial performance and competitiveness in the market.

Learn more about Indirect Rates - How to Calculate Them

Learn more about DCAA compliance

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